Papillon dog and Sana Carlton together showing the Dog first aid kit

Pet Emergency Kit: Prep to Care for Dog or Cat in Any Urgency

Be prepared for any Pet Emergency. Video tutorial and checklist for pet first aid kit, disaster prepping, and for everyday safety for your beloved pet. Special advice on dogs, cats, and horses for both small medical emergencies and also how to include your lovely fur baby in your home emergency kit, jump bag and/or car emergency kits.

Video Tutorial for Pet Emergency Kit and Pet Care

The video takes you through all prep to take care of your dog, cat, bird, horses and more in many types of emergencies.

Discussion on everyday emergencies requiring first aid or care.

Preparing for natural disasters or civil emergencies that may require longer-term preparedness.

Tips for every day items and where to keep them for extra safety and enjoyment for your beloved pet.

I researched and checked into many first aid kits for dogs and people. There are some good options, but many fall short. My favorite is this one, and is the one I keep on hand for my dog.

I added blood clotting powder to the first one I got, because it did not have it. Thankfully, it is now included in the kit.

It comes in a nice small bag that is easy to tuck into the car for road trips and even everyday for our regular trips to the dog park and hiking trails. I recently packed it up for our recent plane ride to visit family, which was very handy to have with us.

What’s Next?

Make sure your at home emergency and disaster preparedness kit is ready, to keep you safe and thriving in any eventuality. Full video tutorial, checklists and blogs on the emergency preparedness page.

We travel with our pets, so having the right supplies in the car is a smart idea. Read the car emergency kit article and checklists and watch the video tutorial, to easily pull together the key missing items that could save your life or help you thrive in any car emergency.

Prepare your #1 emergency tool, your smartphone! Include Pet First Aid app from The Red Cross and learn which other helpful apps to have ready on your phone to be prepared for any urgency.

Include your pet’s critical items in your own evacuation “go” or “bug out” bag. Keep them happy and healthy with just a few key, but critical items. It takes less than an hour to prepare the “jump” bag for you, your family, including pets. Watch the video tutorial to see mine prepped live. I’ve had to use mine, and boy it sure did make a difference to my own and my dog’s ability to thrive in an evacuation situation.

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