Cereal and Super Foods Pantry will support you to eat healthier breakfasts every day.

Eat Healthy with 1 Easy Habit, Create a Breakfast Pantry

#1 Life Hack to improve your health with 1 simple habit. Start the day out right every day, even when you are on-the-go. Pack your breakfast with super foods and tasty treats every day using these easy tips to eat healthier by creating a breakfast bar. Make eating healthy food, fun, easy and delicious! Start your day off right every day, with a healthy, balanced breakfast packed full of super foods, exceptionally delicious and easier than what you are doing today. Here are top tips to organize your kitchen pantry essentials DIY. Find inspiration and ideas to improve your life through organization. Continue reading Eat Healthy with 1 Easy Habit, Create a Breakfast Pantry

Battenberg cake trademark checkerboard design gives great impact visually, but that is not all. The taste of two flavors in one cake is delightful and will soon become your "go to" cake.

Super Quick and Easy Battenberg Cake from Cake Mix

Watched the The Great British Baking Show / The Great British Bake Off and been inspired to make the checkerboard Battenberg cake? Bake a super easy Battenberg cake with this Foolproof Recipe made with shop bought cake mix, frosting and marzipan. Have fun yourself and with the kids with the decorating this awesome dessert and ensure a delicious, moist cake for your first try with this fool-proof method. Focus on learning how to assemble the cake perfectly, so it will be quick and easy next time. Continue reading Super Quick and Easy Battenberg Cake from Cake Mix

Keep onions fresh longer by slicing them all up at once. Use what you need at the time and freeze the rest. The onions come directly from the freezer to cook. Makes cooking even easier and avoids wasting food.

Avoid Wasting Food: Super easy, quick, practical tips

Avoid wasting food through extending the life of your food sustainably and easily. Keep vegetables fresh longer and even make cooking easier. Buy affordable, budget, value packages of meat yet cook in single serve. Finish the entire loaf of bread while fresh. Freeze fruit for quick desserts and smoothies. Be inspired by these quick and easy tips and reduce food waste to almost nothing Continue reading Avoid Wasting Food: Super easy, quick, practical tips